Frequently Asked Questions
We try to answer common questions with our FAQs, so please take a moment to browse these helpful articles. If none of this applies to your case, reach out with this Contact form
Can I try out Forward Chess before making a purchase?

Absolutely! Forward Chess apps are completely free of cost. You can check sample for any book available on our library. This offers a no risk trial experience before you can make any purchase.

On our Webstore you can view the sample for any book instantly in just one click:

How much does Forward Chess cost?

All Forward Chess apps are completely free, and come with several sample titles. ebooks can be purchased separately, either directly from our webstore or from Apple/Google through our mobile apps.

How do I pay for a chess eBook?

From our webstore:

Step 1: Register or Log in your Forward Chess account

Step 2: Search for your favorite book(s) and tap "Add To Cart"

Step 3: When finished shopping, click "shopping cart" in the top right-hand corner and go to "View Shopping Cart"

Step 4: Apply any coupon / gift codes in the coupon field

Step 5: Click "Proceed To Checkout"

Step 6: Double-check your payment details and click "Place Order"

Step 7: Complete the payment

Step 8: Follow access/download instructions for the appropriate platform

How do I open a book I have purchased ?

Go to “Books.” Then click on the title of the book you wish to open.

If I purchase a book on my Android device, can I view it on my iPad ?

Yes! Purchases made after registering your Forward Chess account can be synced between different platforms and devices, as long as you're logged into the Forward Chess account on all of them. Previous in-app purchases can also be synced.

How do I download my Webstore purchases on mobile devices ?

You can find pdf instructions for mobile downloads - for both iOS and Android - here

Why can't I see my previous purchases?

Most likely, this is just a matter of making sure you're properly synced up.

To re-sync, just follow these steps in Android/iOS app:

1) Log in your Forward Chess - starting with "account" icon on "Books" tab

2) Pull-to-refresh on "Books" tab

Where can I get a discount on books?

Right here! We offer new book deals every month, and you can find them either in our newsletter or our Facebook and Twitter pages.