Frequently Asked Questions
We try to answer common questions with our FAQs, so please take a moment to browse these helpful articles. If none of this applies to your case, reach out with this Contact form
How does the Forward Chess search function work?
Books can be searched by author name or title. Use the search box (with the magnifying glass icon) to enter search terms.
How do I delete a book that I no longer need?
You can delete a book that you no longer need. You don't have to worry about losing a purchase. Go to “Books.” Find the book you wish to delete, then long tap it (that is, press and hold over it). The app will give you the option to delete. Tap “Delete” to remove the book, or tap anywhere else to return to your books without deleting it. If you decide later that you do need the book, you can download it again for free from the store. On iOS it is a little different: left swipe the book and you will get a red "Delete" button. This feature is not possible on the desktop version where all the books appear under "Library" and can be categorized using folders.
My library is getting too cluttered. Is there anything I can do about it?
Creating folders and moving your books into them can help organize your cluttered library. Use the red plus (+) button to create folders. It can be found in the toolbar under the search box at the top right corner of FC app. Books can be organized in different folders using the "Move" option by long pressing the individual book icons.
Creating folders and moving your books into them can help organize your cluttered library. Use the red plus (+) button to create folders. It can be found in the toolbar under the search box at the top right corner of FC app. Books can be organized in different folders using the "Move" option by long pressing the individual book icons.
Use the red plus (+) button to create folders. It can be found in the toolbar under the search box at the top right corner of FC app. Books can be organized in different folders using the "Move" option by long pressing the individual book icons. In the desktop version, the books can be dragged and dropped into different folders.
How to delete books from a folder?
Long press the individual book, choose "Delete". Or drag and drop the book back to the main "Library" folder in the desktop version. In iOS, the option is to swipe left and the delete.
What are the keyboard shortcuts that I can use to navigate inside the app?
In the desktop version, you can use UP/DOWN arrow to navigate inside a chapter. It is similar to Page Up/Page Down key. Home/End goes to the top or bottom end of any chapter.
Is reading a chess book on a mobile device really a way to improve?
We believe it is! Because it combines a board, a book, and an engine, Forward Chess will save most readers significant amounts of time – time that can then be spent putting new skills into practice. Also, getting better at chess requires immersion in the game. When you have your chess library available to you wherever you are, you are more likely to spend time on chess that you would otherwise waste.
How can I retain more of what I read?
Try to think for yourself as much as you can. Switch off Stockfish for a while and concentrate on generating your own ideas and analysis. For more on the art of critically reading chess books, you can read the first chapter of GM Fabrego’s “True Lies in Chess,” available for free on Forward Chess. The book comes preinstalled on Android, and it can be downloaded for free on iOS.