Frequently Asked Questions
We try to answer common questions with our FAQs, so please take a moment to browse these helpful articles. If none of this applies to your case, reach out with this Contact form
I've purchased a Forward Chess ebook. Now how do I open it?

Go to “Books.” Then simply click on the title of the book you wish to open.

How do I view the table of contents?
From the cover page on the mobile version, simply swipe to the next page to view the table of contents. While reading a chapter, you can click the page icon (left of the king icon) at the top of the screen to view the table of contents. In the desktop version, you can find the table of contents inside the "Content" box next to the Stockfish tab.
How do I skip forward to the next chapter?

Simply swipe from the right in your mobile application, or click the page icon to view the table of contents and select the next chapter from there.

You can also use the arrow marks in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to navigate to different chapters.

How do I navigate within a chapter?

You can swipe from the bottom of the screen to scroll down on the mobile version.

To return to the start of the chapter, tap twice anywhere in the upper region of the text.

To go to the end of a chapter, tap twice in the lower region of the text.

While reading a chapter, how do I return to my list of books?

Just tap the arrow icon in the upper left-hand corner of your mobile screen, or the "Library" menu icon in the top left of your desktop version.

And don't worry - your progress will be saved automatically.

What keyboard shortcuts can I use to navigate inside the app?

In the desktop version, you can use the UP/DOWN arrows to navigate inside a chapter.

It is similar to the Page Up/Page Down keys.

The Home/End keys go to the top or bottom of any chapter.

How can I view my previously saved notes?

For the mobile app, click "My Books" in the top right-hand corner and go to "Notes".

Or, for desktop, simply click the "Notes" tab on the left. Please note that the desktop notes feature is currently in beta.

How does the Forward Chess search function work?
Books can be searched by author name or title. Use the search box (with the magnifying glass icon) to enter search terms.
My apps don't seem to be syncing properly. How can I fix this?

It sounds like you may need to re-sync. To do so, just follow the appropriate steps, depending on which app you're using.

From iOS: 1) Register a Forward Chess account from iOS, if you haven't done so before 2) In iOS app click "Restore transactions" from "Store" section 3) In iOS app click Cloud, then "Send purchases to Cloud"

From Android: 1) Register a Forward Chess account from Android, if you haven't done so before 2) In Android app click Reload Purchases from cloud menu 3) In Android app click Sync to Cloud from cloud menu