Frequently Asked Questions
We try to answer common questions with our FAQs, so please take a moment to browse these helpful articles. If none of this applies to your case, reach out with this Contact form
Which publishers use Forward Chess?
Books are available from Mongoose Press, New in Chess, Quality Chess, Chess Informant, Chess Publishing, La Casa del Ajedrez, Chess Stars, Russell Enterprises, Metropolitan Chess, Chess Evolution, Russian Chess House, Thinkers Publishing, and various independent authors.
Where can I see the list of upcoming new books scheduled to be released on Forward Chess?

You can view the planned upcoming released in the "Coming Soon" section on our website.

I am a chess book author or publisher. How can I make my books available on Forward Chess?
Please contact us and we will be happy to talk to you. Our email is
Can I request that Forward Chess add a particular book?
We love hearing from our readers. To suggest potential books, you can send us a tweet mentioning the book title and @author/@publisher of the book!