Are you ready for new strategic insights about thirty-five of the most fascinating and complex chess games ever played by World Champions and other top grandmasters? Grandmaster Matthew Sadler and renowned chess writer Steve Giddins take a fresh look at some classic games ranging from Anderssen-Dufresne, played in 1852, to Botvinnik-Bronstein (1951) and Geller-Euwe (1953). They unleashed the collective power of Leela, Komodo and Stockfish to help us humans understand what happened in games of fan favourites such as Boris Spassky, Mikhail Tal, Bent Larsen and Bobby Fischer.
The first chess engines improved our appreciation of the classic games by pointing out the tactical mistakes in the original, contemporary game notes. But the expertise of Matthew Sadler is to uncover the positional course of a game with the help of the second generation of chess engines that emerged after 2018.
This book will change your perception of these games’ strategic and technical patterns. You will, for example, learn to appreciate and understand a classic Capablanca endgame. And a classic Petrosian exchange sacrifice. And a winning, and then losing, king-hunt endgame between Spassky and Tal. You will see how Larsen already understood the strength of the h-pawn march far before AlphaZero’s revelation. The engines offer new strategic ideas and plans that human players have yet to consider. Even the ‘the best ever anti- King’s Indian player’, Viktor Korchnoi, would be amazed by the engine’s unique ideas about White’s breakthroughs on the queenside.
The most instructive games are often those which are more strategic and technical. Using modern engines, the authors have re-engineered a wonderful collection of classic games, generating dozens of positional chess lessons that will help every club player and expert to improve their game.
GM Matthew Sadler is the world’s strongest amateur chess player, a New In Chess magazine contributor, and co-author of the prize-winning books Game Changer: AlphaZero’s Groundbreaking Chess Strategies and the Promise of AI and Chess for Life.
FM Steve Giddins is a prolific chess writer and journalist. He compiled and edited The New In Chess Book of Chess Improvement, wrote books on Nimzowitsch, Alekhine and Bronstein, and co-authored The Lasker Method.
Matthew Sadler presents a unique set of methods to work out using an engine. Preparing openings and training early middlegame play, the conversion of advantages, positional play,and defense. And of course: how to analyze one’s own games. These generic training methods Sadler supplements with concrete middlegame and opening tools (techniques, ideas) developed by various top engines. Sadler illustrates his lessons with a collection of fantastic games, explained with his trademark enthusiasm. For the first time the superhuman powers of the chess engine have been decoded to the benefit of all players, in a rich and highly instructive book. Ten thousands of players own a chess engine, but they mostly just use it to check and calculate variations. Matthew Sadler presents unique methods to work out with a chess engine and shows specific middlegame tools and opening strategies developed by engines. For the first time, the superhuman powers of the chess engine have been decoded to the benefit of all chess players.
AlphaZero benötigte nur wenige Stunden des Selbstlernens, um zu dem Schachspieler zu werden, der die Welt erschütterte. Das System Künstlicher Intelligenz wurde mit nichts anderem als den Regeln des Königlichen Spiels gefüttert, bevor es das weltbeste Schachprogramm in einem langen Match besiegte. Die im Dezember 2017 veröffentlichte Auswahl von zehn Partien sorgte für weltweites Aufsehen: Wie war es möglich, gegen einen Gegner von übermenschlicher Stärke derart brillant und riskant zu spielen, ohne auch nur eine einzige Partie zu verlieren? Für Zeitenwende im Schach haben Matthew Sadler and Natasha Regan mehr als zweitausend zuvor unveröffentlichte Partien von AlphaZero untersucht. Zugleich hatten sie exklusiven Zugang zum Forschungsteam von DeepMind und konnten einen einzigartigen “Blick unter die Haube” werfen, um so die Tiefe und Breite von AlphaZeros Suchfunktion ermessen zu können. Zeitenwende im Schach präsentiert zugleich eine Sammlung einprägsam erläuterter Schachpartien außergewöhnlicher Qualität. Die erstaunlichen Entdeckungen von AlphaZero in jedem relevanten Bereich lassen die Spielstärke von Profi- wie auch Vereinsspielern wachsen: Eröffnungsvorbereitung, Figurenbeweglichkeit, Initiative, Angriffstechniken, langfristige Opfer und vieles mehr. Dieses Buch bietet faszinierende Einblicke in die Perspektiven und Möglichkeiten der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Wobei sich der Radius keineswegs auf die Bewältigung von Spielen beschränkt, sondern ebenso auf verschiedenartigste gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen gerichtet ist.
Matthew Sadler is one of the UK's strongest ever players. He became a grandmaster at 19, won the British Championship twice and, amongst other amazing achievements, made a gold medal winning score of 10.5/13 on board four for England in the 1996 chess Olympiad. In 2000 Matthew quit full-time chess. However, he re-emerged ten years later in 2010 to play a rapidplay tournament in Wageningen, Holland which he promptly won with 7/7. In 2011 he played in strong international events at Barcelona and Oslo and won them with the Fischer-like scores of 8.5/10 and 8/9 respectively. After a decade away from the game, these results are simply astounding. Matthew's extraordinary ability at chess stems not simply from natural talent but is based on a brilliant aptitude for preparing to play. He understands exactly what needs to be studied and how to go about it. In this book he recounts how he organised the preparation for his 'comeback' and from his results the success of this method is self-evident. In this book Matthew shares his secrets and reveals how to: – Incorporate unorthodox openings into your repertoire; – Study middlegame situations; – Understand what is important in the endgame.
The story of AlphaZero has a wider impact. Game Changer offers intriguing insights into the opportunities and horizons of Artificial Intelligence. Not just in solving games, but in providing solutions for a wide variety of challenges in society. Game Changer also presents a collection of lucidly explained chess games of astonishing quality. Both professionals and club players will improve their game by studying AlphaZero’s stunning discoveries in every field that matters: opening preparation, piece mobility, initiative, attacking techniques, long-term sacrifices and much more.