In this book, the authors aim to assist the reader in becoming better at finding combinations, constructing plans, and calculating long, forcing variations. For the purpose of instruction, the material is based on the output of the brilliant endgame composer and player Herman Mattison (1894-1932), using his endgame compositions from various works and publications as well as several of his practical endgames from games entirely too short career.
Ein Lehrbuch des Schachspiels auf ganz neuartiger Grundlage
„Mein System“ erschien zunächst in den Jahren 1925/26 in fünf Lieferungen jeweils als Broschüre und wurden vom Berliner Schachverleger Bernhard Kagan herausgegeben.
Das Buch ist aufgeteilt in zwei Teile: „Die Elemente“ beschäftigt sich mit den Grundlagen der Schachstrategie wie z.B. Zentrum und Entwicklung, offene Turmlinien, die 7. und 8. Reihe, Freibauern etc. Im zweiten Teil wird dann auf dieser Grundlage „Das Positionsspiel“ behandelt: Prophylaxe und Zentrum, Doppelbauer und Hemmung, eigene starke und schwache Bauern bzw. Punkte etc. Über alle Kapitel verteilt gibt es Partiebeispiele, zumeist aus der eigenen Praxis des Autors.
(WEBSTORE SPECIAL - You can purchase the book on our webstore and access it from all your Forward Chess apps. Pull down to refresh the "Books" tab in your mobile apps).
The most hated cliché in chess is: And the rest is a matter of technique. In A Matter of Endgame Technique Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard deals with one of the few things chessplayers hate even more – losing a winning position. No serious chessplayer is new to the misery of spoiling hours of hard work in a few minutes...
A Matter of Endgame Technique offers the second-best happiness – the misfortune of others – as well as deep explanation of the underlying patterns of how and why we misplay winning endgames. At just under 900 pages, this book is actually six books in one, explaining the technical and practical areas of chess endgames plainly, simply and deeply. Endgame theory is well covered elsewhere; this book is all about technique and devoid of material to memorise.
Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard won the British Championship at his first and only attempt. Aagaard has won more awards than any other chess author, and is co-founder of Quality Chess and the online academy
Aagaard’s students have won school tournaments, national titles, FM, IM and GM titles, international opens, the US Championship, the World Cup, the Candidates Tournament and Olympiad medals of all denominations.
"Chess Fundamentals was first published thirteen years ago. Since then there have appeared at different times a number of articles dealing with the so-called Hypermodern Theory. Those who have read the articles may well have thought that something new, of vital importance, had been discovered. The fact is that the Hypermodern Theory is merely the application, during the opening stages generally, of the same old principles through the medium of somewhat new tactics. There has been no change in the fundamentals. The change has been only a change of form, and not always for the best at that. In chess the tactics may change but the strategic fundamental principles are always the same, so that Chess Fundamentals is as good now as it was thirteen years ago. It will be as good a hundred years from now; as long in fact as the laws and rules of the game remain what they are at present. The reader may therefore go over the contents of the book with the assurance that there is in it everything he needs, and that there is nothing to be added and nothing to be changed. Chess Fundamentals was the one standard work of its kind thirteen years ago and the author firmly believes that it is the one standard work of its kind now." – J. R. CAPABLANCA, New York, Sept. 1, 1934
Three masters recall their four decades as teammates from a strong New Jersey chess club.