Jacob Aagaard presents the main principles of how to attack and defend in chess. By carving dynamic chess into separate areas of ability, he gives the reader a clear way to expand his understanding of this vital part of the game.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Grandmaster Preparation
Luther’s Chess Reformation provides a wealth of practical tips and suggestions for chess players of all levels. Using the experiences and insights gained from his remarkable career, Luther offers an insider’s view into the world of grandmaster chess
Boris Gelfand continues his investigation into decision-making at the top level, discussing some of his best games as well as his worst slips, giving the reader a unique insight into the mind of a world-class grandmaster.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Gelfand Decision Making
Having covered the Catalan in the first installment, Volume 1B supplies a top-class repertoire for White with the Queen’s Gambit, covering defenses such as the Slav, Queen’s Gambit Accepted, Chigorin, Tarrasch and various others.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Avrukh Grandmaster Repertoire
This volume of the Grandmaster Repertoire – 1.e4 series provides a top-class repertoire against the Taimanov, Kan and Scheveningen systems, plus all the other Sicilian lines that were not covered in the previous volumes.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Negi Grandmaster Repertoire
In this follow-up to My System, Nimzowitsch demonstrates and explains how his concepts worked in his own games.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Chess Classics
In the fourth volume of the epic Kotronias on the King’s Indian series Grandmaster Vassilios Kotronias tackles a variety of White’s attempts to challenge his favorite opening, starting with the sequence 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Kotronias KID