Notions of chess have been shattered by a teen-age Hungarian girl – some call her modest and soft-spoken, but many opponents know her as a ferocious tiger over the board.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Polgar Bundle
This exceptional book continues the unique project where one of the greatest players of our time transforms her personal journey to the top into a roadmap for everyone who ever wanted to better themselves in the game of chess.
Mikhail Tal is one of the most celebrated chess players of all time. The eighth World Champion not only won the title at a record young age,but did so using a ferocious, high-risk attacking style.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Mikhail Tal's Best Games
The Classical Slav provides a sound and active chess opening repertoire for Black based on 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 dxc4. White’s early deviations from move 3 onwards are also covered. Boris Avrukh has had the Slav in his repertoire throughout his career and has never lost a serious game with it.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Avrukh Grandmaster Repertoire
Playing 1.d4 – The Queen’s Gambit is part of an ambitious two-volume repertoire for White with 1.d4
Grandmaster Repertoire 11 – Beating 1.d4 Sidelines provides a sound and active repertoire against virtually every non-standard opening line at White’s disposal after both 1.d4 d5 and 1.d4 Nf6.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Avrukh Grandmaster Repertoire
In 2013 chess returned to world headlines.
There are many ways to study and improve at chess, but some are more effective than others. GM Axel Smith, the author of Pump Up Your Rating, is a master at teaching his students how to make the most of their training. In this book, he dives into the technical and psychological aspects of chess and shows readers the best practice techniques and strategies for rapid improvement.
Smith covers many areas of chess from openings to middle and endgames, focusing on active learning acquired through ample training exercises and clear explanations.
Pump Up Your Rating is particularly great for intermediate to advanced players looking to overcome a plateau and increase their rating.