London is a universal system, valid against almost any black response and one of the safest for White. It is very popular with club players who want to avoid the more theoretical lines, but it is also played regularly by strong grandmasters
In this memoir Walter Browne recounts his formative years, how he befriended and played Bobby Fischer in New York City, how he traveled the world and made his name. He annotates his best games from over four decades, great attacking games full of sacrifices and fireworks, in a clear style that is accessible for amateur players.
This volume of the Grandmaster Repertoire – 1.e4 series provides a top-class repertoire against the Taimanov, Kan and Scheveningen systems, plus all the other Sicilian lines that were not covered in the previous volumes.
This ebook is a part of Bundle: Negi Grandmaster Repertoire
In this book, premier chess instructor and trainer Mark Dvoretsky examines one of the most important aspects of positional skill, namely the art of playing with pieces, of maneuvering and finding the best squares for your pieces.
The readers will see 50 incredible tense battles with many beautiful ideas, sacrifices and hidden motifs.
This book aims to offer an active Black repertoire against The English Opening 1.c4, the Reti 1.Nf3, and their siblings that arise after 1.g3. More importantly, it tries to offer not only variations, but also a philosophy of how to treat such openings.
GM Dreev analyses many different ways for White to fight for the opening advantage in two modern schemes, in the Slav Defence and in the Queen’s Gambit Deferred.