Your second chess book
Solving puzzles is one of the most pleasant training exercises there are. This book of chess puzzles is intended for novice players who can already see simple mates and direct captures, but now wish to move up a level.
The book, containing 275 puzzles, begins with fairly simple tasks and ends with a set of puzzles that are somewhat more challenging.
All of the puzzles are provided with explanations to facilitate the understanding of what happened and the assimilation of tactical patterns.
Zenón Franco Ocampos was born in Asunción, Paraguay, on the 12th of May 1956. After living for many years in Buenos Aires, from the 1990s he has been based in Spain.
He was awarded the 2016 Isaac Boleslavsky Prize by the FIDE Trainers Commission in the ‘author’ section.
In 2016 the Honourable Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay awarded him the National Order of Community Merit, "in recognition of his invaluable and meritorious contribution to Paraguayan sport, with a long and successful sports career in this discipline..."
In 2001 he was named a “Beloved Son of the City of Asunción", by the Municipality of his home town and in 2001 he received the decoration "Honour to Sporting Merit" in 2001, granted by the National Sports Council of Paraguay.
Ljubomir Ljubojević belongs to a generation of extraordinary chessplayers, whose most outstanding representative is Anatoly Karpov.
Ljubojević reached number 3 in the world rankings and a potential candidate for the world title.
The book consists of forty of his best games, played between 1970 and 2008, annotated in the “Move by Move” format, with questions and exercises, a method which is effective both for training and teaching.
At the start of his career Ljubojević was notable for his dynamic and original style but his play gradually became more rounded and positionally refined.
As usual, Franco is keen to highlight the practical aspects of competitive chess, since we are playing, not against computers, but against human beings like ourselves, who make mistakes, like or dislike the position, get tired etc.
Viswanathan Anand is undoubtedly one of the World's greatest ever chess players. He first shot to fame in his youth, when he enthralled the chess public with his results and his amazing speed of play. He became India's first ever grandmaster, at the age of eighteen. He has won five World Championships, and was the undisputed World Champion from 2007 to 2013. He's been the World number one ranked player and one of the very few to break the 2800 rating barrier. His renowned versatility has help him to become successful in all forms of the game: tournament play, match play, knockout and rapidplay.
In this book, Grandmaster Zenón Franco examines in detail Anand's chess career to date. He selects and studies his favourite Anand games, and demonstrates clearly how we can all improve our chess by learning from Anand's play.
Move by Move provides an ideal platform to study chess. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to improve your chess skills and knowledge.
– Learn from the games of a chess legend
– Important ideas absorbed by continued practice
– Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study
En este nuevo libro el GM paraguayo Zenón Franco Ocampos comenta 54 partidas poniendo énfasis en la parte posicional y en la parte práctica.
Está dividido en cuatro capítulos con diferentes temas estratégicos, al finalizar cada capítulo se proponen ejercicios sobre los temas tratados, de dificultad variada.
El libro tiene una versión previa en inglés, llamada Winning Chess Explained publicada en 2005.
Este volumen contiene correcciones y actualizaciones, es un libro seminuevo.
Se suprimieron algunos ejemplos y se agregaron partidas más recientes, tiene 11 partidas en formato “Jugada a Jugada” y ocho ejercicios “nuevos”.
“¡Primero la idea y después la jugada!” solía comentar Miguel Najdorf, esa frase es la perfecta síntesis de la planificación en el ajedrez.
El campeón de mundo, Magnus Carlsen, hablando sobre descubrir los mejores planes y las jugadas, comentó: “Los mejores jugadores encuentran los planes correctos porque han estudiado esos patrones durante miles y miles de horas”, y enfatizó la importancia de la parte táctica para implementar esos planes.
Este libro trata sobre la planificación en el ajedrez.
Edición en castellano que mejora la edición de 2006 en inglés y cubre el hueco sobre uno de los más grandes jugadores de la historia del ajedrez. Según fue el mejor jugador mundial durante 5 años y solo el estallido de la primera guerra mundial le impidió luchar contra Lasker por la corona.
Está hecho con el formato «jugada a jugada», referido a que tiene continuas preguntas y ejercicios, (aunque no todas las jugadas están comentadas, sería superfluo). Esta modalidad sirve tanto para entrenar y aprender como para enseñar.
Este libro de Zenón Franco sobre las partidas de Robert James Fischer, con el sistema “Jugada a jugada”, es ideal tanto para aprender como para enseñar.
Contiene 60 partidas comentadas más 10 extractos de partida; como es habitual, se plantean ejercicios y también preguntas tomando el lugar del lector.
Franco trata siempre de incluir el punto de vista práctico, ya que no jugamos contra computadoras, sino contra seres humanos que, como nosotros, cometen fallos, se cansan, etc.
Esta obra no es una biografía, pero se incluyen algunas anécdotas no muy conocidas de sus torneos en Argentina