Grandmaster Gambits: 1 e4

Grandmaster Gambits: 1 e4

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Publisher: Everyman Chess
Categories: Opening Books
Author: Richard Palliser and Simon Williams
Level: Intermediate
Contents: 431 pages
Product type: Ebook
Release date: Apr 18, 2024

Are you bored with playing it safe in the opening? Had enough of developing your pieces sensibly, aiming to control the centre and getting your king castled? Do you yearn to tear the opposition apart in the style of the great 19th century masters? Then Grandmaster Gambits 1 e4 is the book for you!

The highly successful writing duo of Richard Palliser and Simon (GingerGM) Williams have teamed up again to create a repertoire based on jettisoning a pawn (and often a whole lot more) very early on. Whatever opening your opponent favours against 1 e4, the authors have a dynamic gambiteering counter which will throw them onto their own resources.

The Sicilian Defence? Attack it with the Wing Gambit.

1...e5? Tear Black apart with the Max Lange Attack.

The French? Suffocate Black with the Advance Variation including Magnus Carlsen’s souped-up version of the Milner-Barry Gambit.

The Caro-Kann? Play the Hillbilly Attack with 2 Bc4! Your opponent might laugh but they won’t be laughing when you crash through on f7.

Forget about playing “properly” in the opening. Open 1 e4, play the Grandmaster Gambits and rip your unprepared opponents apart!

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