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First time user - highlighting sections of text


I'm a new Forward Chess user, and bought my first book recently. I have the mobile app, and the desktop app, and started highlighting sections of text on the mobile app. I found though that this is very inconsistent. You cannot highlight over different font sections (normal font and italicised font sections for example) and there was some strange effects when I highlighted single words, and then found the same word being highlighted throughout the book. Is this an issue with just the mobile app? Is there a known workaround?


Hi @jamesgpaul

Yes the highlight feature in its current form is quite basic. Highlighting a few lines or a paragraph works the best. We will surely try and see if it can be improved further, but its a bit challenging.

BTW, are you on iOS or Android?

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Thanks for replying. I an using Android. Please also check the desktop version as well.

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